All-expenses paid scholarship to volunteer coaches aged 16-21

Published 20 March 2024
We are happy to announce an exciting opportunity for volunteer coaches aged 16-21 across the motu!

Te Mahi Ako is offering 50 all-expenses paid scholarships aimed at empowering young coaches to make a difference in their community. This initiative not only enhances the skills of community coaches nationwide but also aids younger coaches in attaining NCEA level 2 and 3 qualifications.

Why coaching?

·        Coaching is a transformative journey that sharpens communication skills, cultivates personal and professional strengths and identifies areas for growth

·        Through this programme, participants will build confidence, foster creative thinking, and embrace responsibility and commitment

·        The art of coaching nurtures reflective thinking, fostering critical analysis and strategic planning, ultimately leading to tangible positive outcomes.

How will this work?

Scholarship recipients will gain exclusive access to interactive forums and workbooks. These platforms will equip ākonga with essential coaching fundamentals, supplemented by access to learner support service.

In return for this opportunity, we kindly request participating clubs to support their coaches by enrolling them in the scholarship, providing players for coaching sessions, and assisting in the collection of evidence to verify coaching delivery.

This scholarship is a chance to develop your staff, enrich your community, and be a part of a transformative movement in sports development.

Expressions of interest are open to all regional sports trusts and relevant stakeholders. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a driving force for positive change.

To fill out an expression of interest form, click here.